FPE Seals provide cylinder components for hospital patient trolley refurbishment

hospital beds

FPE Seals have been working with Steven Hydraulics, who are refurbishing patient trollies to can be used at NHS Nightingale Hospitals across the country.

The Nightingale Hospitals were temporary set up to cope with COVID-19 patients and have an urgent need for medical equipment and for existing trollies to be repaired and maintained, to be ready to be used as quickly as possible.

FPE Seal’s cylinder parts team have been collaboration with Steven Hydraulics to design and supply the replacement cylinder components needed to refurbish a minimum of one trolley per day.

Steven Hydraulics have also been working with other frontline healthcare services and waste management companies, to repair and maintain their much-needed machinery, during the current crisis. FPE Seals continue to support Steven Hydraulics with the critical parts needed for them to carry out this essential work.

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